...das minhas cousas


more examples int the docs: https://rdiff-backup.net/docs/examples.html

backup files

rdiff-backup --exclude /one/dir/to/exclude/ \
             --exclude /another/dir/to/exclude \
             --include /usr/share/doc \
             --exclude /usr \
             /home/eu/directory/to/backup \

show file available versions

rdiff-backup --list-increments /backup/path/to/file

files changed since

rdiff-backup --list-changed-since 1M /backup/path/to/dir

restore file

# now
rdiff-backup --restore-as-of now /path/to/file/in/backup

# 5 days agora
rdiff-backup --restore-as-of 5D /path/to/file/in/backup

delete backups older than

# older than 1 month
rdiff-backup --force --remove-older-than 1M /path/to/backup/

# remove all older backups except the last ten
rdiff-backup --force --remove-older-than 10B /path/to/backup/