...das minhas cousas


First of all, install Xorg and libwacom packages:

apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-wacom libwacom2

And then, configuring it using xsetwacom command:

  1. get the device/s info

    xsetwacom --list devices
  2. I prefer ‘relative mode’ so the tablet surfice is not represent the whole display.

    xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos BT S Pen stylus" Mode Relative
  3. If the pointer moves very fast, the area of the tablet must be changed. I like to multiply by two the current area; so I can understand my own writing (xD).

    • get the current ‘area’ size

      xsetwacom get "Wacom Intuos BT S Pen stylus" Area
    • set the new area size (x2 ;)

      xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos BT S Pen stylus" Area 0 0 30400 19000
    • if something goes wrong, reset the area size

      xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos BT S Pen stylus" ResetArea